Conet, Computer and Network Development Ltd. — IT System Integrator


Our major customers have been first of all financial institutuons and large corporations where high quality, continously operating, reliable IT infrastructure is a question of life and death. We from our side have been doing all efforts to help our customers and partners in realising the best possible systems, which can support their business and economical endeavours, and last but not least stand by all the time.

The below referred institutions all have been long term customers of our company, for whom we have been doing the below detailed Services, Equipment Delivery and Maintenance.

In detail

  • OTP Bank
  • Hungarian Foreign Trade Bank
  • Commercial Bank
  • MOL Plc.
Conet Computer and Network Development Ltd.

Furesz u. 115.
Budapest 1147
Tel: +36 1 467 2060
Fax: +36 1 467 2070

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